A grateful patient shares her story

Elizabeth Vickers didn’t have the best start to her spring. She found herself at QCH for multiple visits between April and May and ultimately had surgery in June. Throughout her care, Elizabeth was amazed by the people around her and sent in the following kudos:

“I am so thankful for the staff who ensured my stay was as comfortable as possible, especially when visiting was restricted. I would like to thank Drs Weaver, Gay, Gutauskas, Julie, and also Joanne, Tracy, Candice, Calvin, Christopher, Julia, and Delaney... hopefully I didn’t miss anyone! You were there for me and I thank you again. God bless you all!”

With visiting restrictions due to COVID-19, very few (and sometimes no) visitors were permitted. Warm greetings and little chats from nurses and cleaning staff provided the human contact and reassurance that made her hospital stay as pleasant as possible.

“Everyone went out of their way to connect, to share encouragement and little stories about their weekend – it made me feel at home. Even though they were very busy, the nurses always made time to explain things to me about my care and answered my questions. They ensured that they provided learning opportunities by going over every detail with me.”

When the time came to go home, Elizabeth was met with encouragement and well wishes from all the staff who were involved in her care. “The doctors, nurses, and all the people at the hospital were amazing! Anytime I speak about my experience at the hospital, I can’t say enough about the care that I received at QCH.”

With recovery still ahead of her, Elizabeth now looks forward to returning to good health and spending time with her first grandchild, born earlier this year.