From a Grateful Patient

An open letter to Dr. Kichian (Endoscopy), the Doctors and Nurses of Hotel ICU at QCH – the nurses, staff and support workers in the wards:

It has been almost a year since I was admitted into the QCH with an ulcer on an artery in my stomach.  It had “let go” and I was for lack of a better term “on the other side of the grass.”

I would like to take a moment to express my profound gratitude to the work and service that all of you unselfishly provided – if you are ever in doubt I would love for you to reflect on something – what have I done with the time given me through your irrepressible efforts;

I am a father and grandfather; a son, brother and partner –

In this time I have enjoyed and appreciated my children’s birthdays.  I have shared in and treasured the birthdays of my grandchildren.  I have loved, shared and cherished holidays with my family and friends.

I have called my mother more to share laughs, love and memories – she is in her 90s. 

I have called my siblings to share stories of our children becoming parents for their first times and watching them grow into the wonderful people they are in their own right. 

I have been able to watch my own children grow in their lives through struggles and successes and see them becoming fulfilled with their accomplishments. Watch them share love with their children.

I have ridden my motorcycle more – to enjoy the freedom and charms of a beautiful summer day.  To spend the day on the open road with a lifelong friend as we stop for lunch along the St. Lawrence Seaway.

I was able to help a lifelong friend after his 20 plus year marriage collapsed and build a deck and share stories of our misspent youth :)

I play hockey – yes as a goalie some may say that I have a crazy streak – but I have had the opportunity to meet new people and make friendships that I would never have had. 

I have had the blessed opportunity to wake up on a beautiful sunny spring morning and walk outside with my coffee to see and hear the birds at the feeders and to fully appreciate the glory of life. 

To smell and feel the warmth of a summer rain – to hear the crunching of leaves in the fall; see the wonderful colours – to shovel the driveway in the winter, okay maybe that one needs to be rethought ;) – but I do enjoy winter – a clear, cold night with the stars out in full, these I have been able to relish.

I have had the profound opportunity to hold my partner’s hand, to hug her and embrace her in a kiss; this means more to me than I could express with mere words. 

These are the things I would have never been able to do if it had not been for your care and dedication in your professions.

Thank you,

David Moran

My sweetheart of a granddaughter that I am going to be able to share more birthdays with because of the people at QCH! She's smart as a pistol!

My beautiful Jen. I can't thank you enough for being able to give her a kiss good night and one in the morning. She is my world.

A friend of mine and Norm, another “lifer” - we were building a deck at his new place.

One of my bike rides this summer with a friend that I have known since I was 10

My good girl "checking me out" when I came home