Mental Health Tips from our Mental Health Team

Your mental health matters. It’s important to pay attention to your mental health and find ways that work for you to ensure you’re healthy - both physically AND mentally.


Mental Health Tip #1

Practicing Mindfulness (intentionally paying attention, in a particular way, to the present moment in a non-judgmental way) can reduce levels of stress and anxiety, improve sleep and increase self-awareness including the ability to recognize and name feelings.  Mindfulness can be practiced anytime, anywhere, however, being in the moment while in nature can be a truly mood-boosting experience!


Mental Health tip #2

Engaging in regular physical activity can have a profound and long-lasting positive effect on our mental and physical health. Exercise has been found to be as effective as anti-depressants for the treatment of Depression. Exercise releases endorphins and reduces muscle tension associated with stress and anxiety.


Mental Health tip #3

Connecting with what you value, what you find most meaningful and purposeful in your life, can lead to greater life satisfaction and well-being. Take the time to reflect on who you want to be as a person, what matters most to you deep in your heart, and let that guide you in your actions and how you choose to spend your time.


Mental Health tip #4

An excellent way to have a greater work/life balance and reduce stress is to make hobbies and leisure a priority in your life. Use feelings of boredom to explore your creative side and break out of the mundane with new activities.


Mental Health Tip #5

One of the collective experiences of COVID is social isolation and loneliness. Now more than ever, it is essential for our mental health and well-being to stay connected to loved ones, friends, and community. The way we connect has changed, however, finding small and big ways to nurture relationships is important to get us through this challenging time.