The Power of Teamwork: COVID Life Through the Eyes of the D4 Nursing Team

D4 Nursing Team

D4 Nursing Team

At the beginning of the pandemic, the landscape of D4 changed quickly. Our elective surgical patients found their surgeries postponed. We transitioned to welcoming medical patients to the floor— a type of care we were not accustomed to.

The D4 team worked their collaborative genius to support each other and deliver quality care, whether it be medical or surgical.

With rapidly evolving hospital-wide policy changes and cascading important information, the D4 team adopted the “protect not correct” early on. D4 embraced a common vision — to keep our patients and each other safe. We gathered on the same page to ensure we were using all the tools as a team and not as individuals.

The D4 team worked their collaborative genius to support each other and deliver quality care, whether it be medical or surgical.
— D4 Nursing Team

We came together at huddles to discuss, support, and create a group intelligence unlike D4 has seen before. D4 became an even closer-knit team consistently looking out for one another.

At last, D4 welcomed our elective surgical patients back. It certainly felt good to get back to our specialty. D4 was now striving to help clear a large backlog of surgeries that were postponed. We welcomed 241 elective surgeries since September just on the weekends alone!

We now find ourselves in the 3rd wave and missing our elective surgical patients. We have welcomed medical patients back to D4 – however this time the medical and surgical patients are far sicker than before. With this in mind, we circle back to the beginning when we learned new ways to communicate and support each other in caring for our patients.

D4 has harnessed the power of teamwork. We... not me.

D4 is resilient.