Communication Tips While Wearing a Face Mask
Communicating with people while wearing a face mask can be extremely challenging and at times frustrating for both parties. Mask wearing can create even more communication challenges with our elders and those with dementia or cognitive impairments. Masks make it harder for people to recognize people, hear voices, read lips, and identify what someone is feeling.
We realize now more than ever how non-verbal cues play a vital role in daily communication. Our body language, hand gestures, posture, facial expressions, and tone of voice convey meaning and emotion when we communicate.
Here are some tips that can help improve communication:
Introduce yourself, your role and purpose for your visit.
Slow down your speech and use a loud clear voice.
Use a positive tone of voice. Tone can be equally as impactful as the words you are speaking.
Use simple language.
Use positive body language such as;
maintaining eye contact
displaying an open posture (do not cross your arms)
‘smile with your eyes’
stand upright
Nod when appropriate to acknowledge you are listening and have understood your patient.
Use your eyes and eyebrows to convey emotion. Let your eyebrows tell the story.
Happiness can be seen by raised eyebrows.
Eyebrows pinched together and eyes drooping can indicate sadness.
Eyebrows in a “V” can convey anger.
Name emotions, e.g. “I’m happy to see you…”
Use gestures, objects and pointing, e.g. thumbs up, waving and object choices
Write down keywords.
As things are busy and stressful, try not to let that be reflective in your voice. Be straightforward and try to stay calm.
Post submitted by our Speech-Language Pathologists